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Republic of Estonia 8 euro, Tallinn, 2017
Republic of Estonia 8 euro, Tallinn, 2017
The collector coins for “Hanseatic Tallinn” is the first in the new series highlighting the Baltic country’s connection to Hanseatic culture and history. The era of the Hanseatic League was especially important to Estonian history in many ways, as the larger towns connected the country and people closely to Europe, and many of Estonia’s most beautiful old towns date back to that time.
The coins are produced by Portugal’s Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, S.A., on behalf of the Bank of Estonia. Both coins - one gold, one silver - are designed by Estonian artist Riho Luuse.
The design on the coin has the silhouette of Tallinn, a Hanseatic trading ship, and the heraldic shield of Tallinn.
The obverse side shows the coat of arms of the Republic of Estonia and the year 2017.